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Time the Great Healer

So Lovely to receive positive update from a little client I’ve been working with for around 6 months.

I am so proud of this mummy who, as we all do, wanted to help her little boy, and apply a topical steroid. She held fast, putting her faith in the remedies. Where in acute illness we sometime see a fast result matching the energy of symptoms and a fast result. Whilst both a little impatient, in Homeopathy that there are generally no quick fixes. When we are addressing a scenario such as systemic inflammation where symptoms have developed over time, we are reminded it may take a little time to rewind. When we wait and watch we can witness a beautiful gentle long lasting result.

After three appointments and a couple of rounds of a repeat remedy which is holding, we have really got there.

We started to work on healing his gut following several rounds of antibiotics and hospital trips. Leaving his skin red raw, and sore. After treating the presenting acute flare and the red sleeves had gone, we followed with a constitutional prescription and continued to support the healing of his bowel flora. During the follow up consultation we discussed how the constitutional remedy seemed to have had a really positive result but the improvement didn’t sustain for long. There was still too much energy in his symptoms which effectively used the remedy too quickly. On a repeat of the remedy for a few days longer little ones immune system could throw out enough energy of its own to address the root cause the inflammation.

Well done to his mum for preserving as part of his journey 🙌⭐️

‘Your remedies are like magic! Vast improvement on skin already. Red patches on legs and neck and torso almost gone. Face is significantly improved, and bowels are regular!’ and his writs are so much better.'

Hang in there Mummies !

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